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Quechua Indigenous Women


Peru boasts a diverse range of landscapes, including the Andes mountains, the Amazon rainforest, and the Pacific coastline. The Andes run through the country from north to south, creating breathtaking scenery and opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and trekking. Not only does the country have landscapes it has some of the most incredible cities from the picturesque high altitude Cusco to the Beach fronted Lima.






Iquitos local buildings and people



From Leticia Colombia, the options are to fly back to Bogeta to get to Lima, or take a boat up the amazon to Iquitos. We took the boat. Iquitos is the largest city in the world that is not accessible by road; it is surrounded by the Amazon Rainforest and is situated along the Amazon River. There are two main reasons people visit this city, the first is to use it as there springboard for an amazon experience, the second is for ayahuasca. Check out our blog posts for more information of both subjects.  


Taking a tuc tuc to the airport, the flight to Lima is a quick one. Arriving into the city at sunset hour we took a cab to the our various hostels. Lima is unusual in that it cuts the main beach off from the rest of the city by highway 'Cto. de Playas'. It makes accessing the beach from here tricky, this is something town planners are now retrospectively trying to fix. But my goodness it makes it a beautiful road to drive at sunset! Lima has so much to offer in the way of food, art and music you can always find something to do. It also has fantastic surf spots for those wanting to get an ocean fix.

Lima Streets


Cusco Street festival



After one of the scariest and paradoxically beautiful bus journeys of your life (you can also fly from Lima) you will arrive in Cusco. Cusco is renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture that often incorporates Inca stonework. The most famous example is the Coricancha, an Inca temple dedicated to the sun god. Nearby, you can find Sacsayhuaman, a massive fortress-like complex built with massive stone blocks that fit together without the use of mortar. Fair warning the city is at 3400m above sea level so you will need to pace yourself. Drink lots of coca tea to help with the altitude. most hotels and hostel offer it free of charge. 


Machu Picchu

A UNESCO World Heritage Site this ancient Inca citadel is situated high in the Andes mountains. Renowned for its architectural beauty and historical significance.

Where Next?

To Colombia

To Bolivia
Coming Soon

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